Friday, December 7, 2012


Time & again, there is need to pent-up those cluttered feelings.
From all those affected gloomy days, sullen moods and dimly enthusiasm, I have found my new ways of converting these stuck-in-catharsis-mode to a more constructive and rebuliding ones, before I start dwelling in these. And these are purely based on my personal experiences!

Here it goes (I found these quite de-stressing!):

You're the best-self-help so bring back all that scattered self confidence to help yourself pull out of those nastyingly dejected feelings
  • Kick off that clumsy-bed: Wake up and feel the soothing & comforting breeze of early morning strolls! It refreshes, recharges for no cost - wonderlust deal, isn't it!
  • I ususally take an unplanned excursion on local trains and watch the movements and ongoing activities while being in those hustle-bustle. It occupies my mind leaving less room for unnecessary or troubling anxiety.
  • Cooking has been evidenced as one of the healers, so all those interested can try hand on some new and easy recipe - Google is there to offer help! And you never know, you end up inventing novel taste from your kitchen - all win-win!
  • Digging into my existing wardrobe to recreate different styles and accessory combinations, makes me feel proud of my creativity - instills me with postive energy!
  • Penning down those tumultous/ quarreling thoughts on piece of paper momentarily and then you can always chuck it off later!
  • Indulge in home-customised luxury/ pampering bath: there are so many ideas and blogs, you just need to hit it in Google search
  • Throwing oneself for wee time in the peppy loud music, unnerves those tensed nerves
  • Sipping liquids refills that sapped-off energy: I found fresh fruit juices, tender coconut water, ice tea both filling and relaxing.
  • Picking a name from phone book and calling the person you haven't had words with for long time, takes you away to another zone!
This water rafting was quite a purging activity! Thrilling experience!

I really find all these easiest and helpful ways while staying alone. DIY is one interest which I have utilised to its broad-spectrum array.

You can always add to the list from yours or others experience, would love to read!!!

Stay cheerful, stay chirpy!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Themes: Festival!!! AND Being Terse!!!

Weather is getting pleasant over here and thereby mellowing the temparament all over. With all said and done, there is call for a gathering - something named Party!! Further to make it more cordial, I brought this idea of making it theme based - Viking Festival!!! Yeah, you read it right, its gonna be awesome - the viking style costumes, archery (imitations), and the like music!!! 

The Viking Festival is an annual festival in Hafnarfjordur, Iceland, where you can see Viking-style costumes, musical instruments, jewelry and crafts at the Viking Village. I am all set to share more of it with our themed-party pictures sooner!

Delhi's sultry summer didn't let me bask too much!!!

Apart, I have quite learnt adapted the art of being terse over being dwelling in profoundness of words. Its better to be terse yet meaningful than to fall prey to idea of getting into verbosity while trying explaining to someone.

I am All Cheers - firstly for this soon-to-be-happening Viking helluva party and secondly for succeeding in honing my skillset kitty..!!!

see you soon with pics-laden post <its gonna be party-aftermath effect :-)>

till then, keep well and keep happening... adios!


Thursday, November 22, 2012

Greetings... Hi there!!!

Dear Bloggers/ Readers,

I have written, posted, shared and commented in past (sounds like eons now!) but did't publish it under my name! Finally am on the blogosphere readying to give it a go-ahead as ME!!!

My name is Sabiiha and am an Indian. Currently Mumbai as my abode, am trying to make most of life (phew)! I love Delhi's winters and the charm of this capital city - Born and Brought-Up here...!!!

With all so ordinary thoughts, I have been equally tagged and recognised as uncanny in these so many growing years! Wondering, recollecting and then relishing - this has indeed been beautiful (am loving it, living it!) life. Here to share, reflect, and say it more-vividly of all Life paves everyday.

Here to know ya'll...
read, write, share, learn, acquire, evolve...

till then...
Keep well and keep happening!!!

(keep evolving)